Born in Romania in 1996, Andrew Wallace was in an orphanage for the first year of his life until adopted in 1997. Romania being a poor, communist country, Andrews’ biological parents could not afford to take care of him. As a baby, Andrew was tied to a crib, fed very little, and received little to no social interaction for the first year of his life. Andrew did not receive the nourishment needed and was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD & Asperger’s from his experience in the orphanage. Also, Andrew only weighed ten pounds at a year old, and was severely malnourished.

During Andrews time in the U.S, he has made many friends, and his adoptive mother is supporting in his career. He has plans to move to California to continue his craft, and hopes to work with some of his favorite actors. In his free time, Andrew loves to play video games, snowboarding, YouTube, and other hobbies. On Youtube Andrew has over eight million views with around twelve thousand subscribers and counting. One of his favorite hobbies is video games. Andrew voices in a few video games that are soon to be released. He owns over thirty game consoles, and over four hundred games altogether, with the oldest game console being Atari. Andrew is also a member of the Armored Combat Worldwide, which is a sport where fighters get in real medieval armor, and fight with medieval weapons. Andrew has always enjoyed anything to do with the middle ages, it’s his favorite time period and he hopes to play a character in a movie that takes place during that time, preferably a knight. Other than that, Andrews favorite season is the Summer, and he enjoys swimming.

Andrew started acting in high school. After getting lots of enjoyment from the drama class, Andrew wanted to pursue a career in acting. When he got home one day, he asked his mom how to get into it, and she said look it up. Andrew did, and realized while working a string of menial jobs, that acting was what he was made to do. So, Andrew did everything to improve at the craft of acting. He attended acting school, stage combat classes, and voice acting. Andrew also began working jobs that fit more within the acting world like mascot characters for some of the largest amusement parks in the nation.

Today, Andrew is pursuing a career in film and voice over with minor roles in stage performances and Broadway. Andrew is available for booking. Please contact for more information.